MEDPROS Bulletin Board
taking care of the most important weapons system- the soldier
Soldiers can get their MEDPROS updated on Fort Knox @ the following facilities:
LAB open 0700-1700
Hearing can only be at a MTF because DORS has to input all information into MEDPROS. 502.
Dental can be done at a Civilian Dental Clinic BUT you must take a DD2813 for your Dentist to complete. If you choose to go to FT Knox, you do not need a DD 2813 but you must have your Dental Record.
Jordan's Dental Clinic
If after you are seen by a Dentist you are still CAT III, you will remain AMBER until all dental work is complete.
Immunizations can be done at a Civilian HCP. Quick note, if you start HEP A & B you must finish HEP A & B.
Vision screening can be done at the company. If soldier(s) need a vision test, they can be seen by a civilian Optometrist. If you receive a prescription, the PD (pupular diameter) must be on the prescription. The company will then forward the prescription to Ft Knox to cut glasses and mask insert orders.
As of 2007.11.01
PHA-Physical Health Assesment must be done at a MTF (Ireland Hospital) PHA is now an ANNUAL requirement.
Ireland Army Hospital
For appointments: