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To military and DOD personnel:


The Selfridge Spouse Club offers college scholarships to high school seniors, undergraduate college students, and spouses.


Eligibility requires that the applicant must either

- be a family member of a military sponsor (active duty, reserve, retired, or deceased active duty) stationed or living in southeastern Michigan and possess a valid military ID card.

- or be the child of a DOD civilian who is current club member or whose spouse is current club member, and the applicant’s parent must provide proof of DOD employment.


I have attached a flyer with this information along with the POC and how to get an application. If you have any questions, you can reach me at 586-465-0375.

Selfridge Spouse Club


 The Selfridge Spouse Club offers college scholarships to high school seniors, undergraduate college students, and spouses.   Eligibility requires that the applicant must either-        be a family member of a military sponsor (active duty, reserve, retired, or deceased active duty) stationed or living in southeastern Michigan and possess a valid military ID card.  -        or be the child of a DOD civilian who is current club member or whose spouse is current club member, and the applicant’s parent must provide proof of DOD employment.   

For an application, send an email to  All applications for scholarships must be postmarked no later than March 1, 2008.  For further information, please contact Margaret Espaillat at 586-465-0375.




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We have a firm date for the release of the Xbox 360 Game - 23 Oct 2007.

It is an excellent product produced by RedStorm games - they make Rainbow Six and other Tom Clancy games.

A recruiting company has taken a lead in using this event as a recruiting opportunity. CPT Jason Brown out in LA has setup a recruiting event with the Virgin Records Mega Store on the launch date. Learning from his efforts it occurs to us that other units may want to take advantage of this game release for create similar events.

The Army Game Project is excited to announce the upcoming nationwide release of America’s Army: True Soldiers for the Xbox 360 game console on 23 October. This game was created by Soldiers and developed by one of the world’s premiere gaming studios, Red Storm Entertainment. Red Storm is a world-renowned game design team that has produced the award-winning Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six franchises. America’s Army: True Soldiers will feature visually stunning graphics via the most sophisticated next-generation gaming engine available in the industry (GRAW2), coupled with unparalleled military authenticity and robust multiplayer game play. The attached fact sheet explains game features in greater detail. The game’s website is <> .

One of the significant features of the game from a marketing perspective is the abundance of Army information provided under the ‘Extras’ menu, bringing the realities and benefits of service in the Army into every player’s living room. The volume of Army messaging provided exceeds the scope of any other medium currently in the Army’s marketing inventory by including:

MOS, Quality of life, and Real Hero videos that communicate real Soldier stories

* An introduction to the Army Core Value system

* Detailed descriptions of every Army MOS

* Enlistment opportunities, college tuition assistance and bonus information

* An introduction to Army awards, rank structure and authentic high-tech vehicles and equipment




Attached are some pics and a thank you letter from Summerfield HS. Myself, SSG McDougal, and Cpl Bemus participated in their "Salute to the Military" football game on 14Sep07. I know you like pics so Enjoy!  SSG Cooper
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket



FALLS CHURCH, Va.-Registering for the TRICARE Mail Order Pharmacy (TMOP) just got easier with the launch of the new Member Choice Center (MCC).

A quick phone call or click of a mouse is all that's needed for Service families and retirees to begin receiving their prescriptions by mail.

To view the full news release, please visit:



The following websites contain information regarding the many progema snad services offered by Selfridge Community Services (SCS) and the Fniancial Readiness Program (FRP)

[SCS Home Page:]

[FRP Home Page:]

The following training dates are provided for your information [FREE, FREE, FREE]

11-Sep-07Checkbook Management & Budget Development
18-Sep-07Personal Finances for the First Term Service Member (Part I)
20-Sep-07Personal Finances for the First Term Service Member (Part II)
2-Oct-07Checkbook Management & Budget Development
9-Oct-07Personal Finances for the First Term Service Member (Part I)
11-Oct-07Personal Finances for the First Term Service Member (Part II)
23-Oct-07Checkbook Management & Budget Development
30-Oct-07Personal Finances for the First Term Service Member (Part I)
1-Nov-07Personal Finances for the First Term Service Member (Part II)
 For registration feel free to call 586.307.4554/586.307.2007



HEADS UP: The Army has posted the "new" AR 601-210 that also incorporates the enlistment criteria for the Army National Guard along with RA/AR. This regulation is on the Army Printing and Publications site and can be accessed via AKO, however, it has a note that this regulation is not to be used until on or after 7 July 2007. USAREC is staffing an operational change since this new reguatis staffed and published before many of the most recent changes in policy could be incorporated. DO NOT use this new regulation until notified by this HQ's.